Cardhoc develops “ad-hoc” digital security products for customers wishing to enhance their end-to-end security by using tamper-proof hardware platforms like smart cards, USB keys, microSD, Secure MCUs, TPM, TEE, HSM, etc.
Innovative Solutions based on Hardware Cryptographic Components

Empower Secure Hardware
Consulting, training and testing are provided to guide customers through the different phases of their projects, from the initial requirement definition up to the final certification and production.
Thanks to a 30+ year experience with the major Secure Component manufacturers, Cardhoc now covers a broad spectrum of end-user and enterprise use cases, based on SW and HW technologies that attempt to fulfill the ever-evolving security requirements and multi-application needs.

Cardhoc is active in most of the business areas where digital security needs to be addressed as a priority and as a whole. These areas include:
- The traditional ecosystems: Payment, Telecommunication, Access Control, PKI, Authentication, etc.
- The emerging markets like Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, Automotive, Mobile eID Wallet, Smart Home and the Internet of Things.
Cardhoc continuously strives to keep up with the evolution of the above mentioned technologies and markets to remain in a position to provide top-notch and up-to-date services and deliverables to all enterprises wishing to tackle the risk of security breaches seriously.